- «Eduardo Soutullo puesta por rescartar la emotividad de la música en Santander», ABC, August, 23th 2008.
- «Eduardo Soutullo, clásico aos 40 anos», EL PAIS, December, 12th 2008.
- «La Sinfónica de Galicia homenajea a los grandes compositores en Lisboa», El Progreso, March, 7th 2009
- «El gallego Eduardo Soutullo, finalista de los Premios Reina Sofía», La voz de Galicia, March, 12th 2009
- «Soutullo y los ecos en soledad», EL PAIS, April, 17th 2009
- «Concierto de obras finalistas del XXVI Premio Reina SofÍa de composición musical», Agencia EFE,December, 8th, 2009.
- «Soutullo, un compositor internacional», El Correo Gallego, August, 1st 2010.
- «La Sinfónica estrena a Soutullo bajo la batuta de Rizzi», EL PAIS, February 8th 2011.
- «-La otra cara del viento- es la segunda obra de Eduardo Soutullo para solista», Diario de León, July, 21th 2011
- «La música del vigués Eduardo Soutullo sonará en Chicago», Atlántico Diario, August 12th 2014
- «La pianista gallega Isabel Pérez Dobarro estrenará en Nueva York una obra de Eduardo Soutullo», El Correo Gallego, February, 19th 2016.
- «Una mirada española a la leyenda de Ibn Battuta, el viajero del tiempo», EL MUNDO, October, 17th 2016.
- «La OCG estrena ‘Jobs and gates at dawn’, de Eduardo Soutullo», Granada Hoy, November, 4th 2016.
- «Una orquesta de Hong Kong estrena una pieza del compositor Eduardo Soutullo», Faro de Vigo, March, 20th 2017
- «Del amanecer a la Feria», EL PAIS, October 28th, 2017.
- «Vanguardia en marcha», Diario de Sevilla, November, 13th 2017.
- «Tres estrenos en el Ciclo de Música Contemporánea de la Quincena», Gara, August, 19th 2018
- «Eduardo Soutullo gana el primer premio de la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Radio-Televisión de Croacia», Faro de Vigo, September, 30th 2018.
- «Soutullo triunfa en EE.UU. pero no puede estrenar una ópera en Galicia», La Voz de Galicia, December 4th 2018
“La Filharmonía abre la temporada con una obra inédita de Soutullo” .
“La Real Filharmonía de Galicia inicia su temporada con una obra de Eduardo Soutullo” .
“Instrumental Siglo XX estrena dos obras de Eduardo Soutullo”.
“Eduardo Soutullo: “Menos mal que nos queda Andalucía”
“Eduardo Soutullo estrena una pieza en la sede del Instituto Cervantes de Chicago”
“Eduardo Soutullo mostrará las cantigas de Martín Códax en Nueva York“
- But in vain: Leopoldo Centeno ( “La Sinfónica de Galicia interpreta a Soutullo, Mozart y Profokiev”, La Voz de Galicia, Pontevedra, 1-20-08): “… we have seen his contemporary musical style, with a series of gradations, and resounding and trimbral blocks that were warmly rewarded by the the large audience.”
- But in vain: Julio Andrade Malde (“Serenidad y exaltación”, La Opinión, A Coruña, 1-20-08): “… we must highlight the intelligent handling of the instrumental timbres that provide a significant appeal. An excellent version of the GSO; the author, present in the room, received the applause of the public from the stage.”
- Have you said spectral?: Luciano García Sarmiento (“Desde la muerte de Prokofiev existe un repertorio vacío para el piano», El Diario Montañés, Santander, 08-23-08):“… an invitation to the pleasure of developing sound in and on itself
- Have you said spectral? : Ricardo Hontañón (“Estéticas de estreno”, El Diario Montañés, Santander, 08-26-08):“…it is above all a well-constructed and, most importantly, eminently piano-oriented work that, based on Gerard Grisey’s homonymous title, employs various modes which, as indicated by its author, are developed both on a harmonic and on a melodic level. Its four episodes, flowing without interruption, have an internal logic and timbral richness, as well as a renewed and modern language, which obviously helps this new score connect with the listener.
- All the echoes listen: Jorge Córdoba Moya ( “Ecos, propinas y danzas”, La Opinión, Granada, 04-28-2008 ):“All the echoes listen” was enjoyed by the audience, captivating with its apparent vital autonomy and fluency by using timbres and control of the fluctuating dynamics. Soutullo, who was among those attending was highly praised. “
- All the echoes listen: Tomás Marco ( programe notes, Orquesta de Extremadura concert , May 23th and 24th 2008)“All the echoes listen” by Eduardo Soutullo is undoubtedly one of the most relevant orchestral scores produced by the Spanish twenty-first century so far. “
- “Si no existe el público, no hay música” . La Voz de Galicia 9-12-2008
- But in vain: Ramón García Balado (“Sugerencias en estéticas afines”, Ritmo magazine, Madrid, march 2007):“… Precious details of a daring writing and timbres full of suggestions”
- All the echoes listen: Arturo Reverter“I find that Eduardo Soutullo is doing a magnificent work around the personality of Oliver Wendell Holmes, whose poetic message spirit he has captured in” All the echoes listen”. In order to do it Soutullo has shown that he posseses the best techniques and sensibilities (…). Music excellently composed, straight, with smooth surfaces, flowing so naturally in an entertaining and accurate way, that resonates and penetrates. A great symphonic page. “